Melicope anisata

(H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone (1989)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Rosids Order: Sapindales Family: Rutaceae Genus: Melicope

mokehana, mokihana


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs or sometimes shrubby trees 2–8 m tall, new growth minutely and sparsely minutely appressed puberulent with ephemeral grayish hairs, and with a waxy scurf, soon glabrate.

Stems: Stems lax, few–branched.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades elliptic or oblong–elliptic, sometimes very broadly elliptic or elliptic–obovate, 4–21 cm long, often more than 10 cm long, 1–11.5 cm wide. Apex rounded to obtuse, ± emarginate. Base rounded to cuneate. Surfaces glabrate, densely glandular punctate, petioles glabrate; blades strongly pungent with anise odor, especially when crushed, thin, coriaceous. Margins entire, flat or revolute. Veins usually dull brown or somewhat reddish, primary lateral veins usually 8–20 pairs, conspicuous, venation pinnate, higher order venation forming a reticulate pattern. Petioles 5–50 mm long, glabrate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 1–3(–5) in axillary cymes usually less than 2 cm long, peduncles 1–5 mm long, slender at anthesis, pedicels usually 2– 4 mm long, bracteoles minute, deltate, bracts small, opposite. Calyx of 4 sepals; sepals broadly ovate, 2–2.5 mm long and wide, glabrate, imbricate. Corolla of 4 petals, valvate, deltate–ovate, 5–7 mm long, ca. 3.5 mm wide, glabrous. Stamens 8, in 2 whorls, distinct, reduced but always present in functionally pistillate flowers. Ovary superior, glabrous, ovary 4-celled and 4-lobed, carpels connate, only slightly distinct at apex to almost entirely distinct; ovules 2 per cell, hemitropous, 1 ascending; style 1, terminating in 4 short stigmatic branches.

Fruit: Capsules yellowish green; cuboid to subglobose; 7–13 mm long; 9–14 mm wide; carpels completely connate; apex with a shallow depression; exocarp glabrous; densely glandular punctate and with a strong anise odor; endocarp glabrous. Seeds 1(2) per carpel; 4–6 mm long; glossy black when ripe; crustaceous; ovoid; sometimes angled from compression; embryo straight in fleshy endosperm; radicle short; cotyledons compressed; ovate; putamen brown; warty.


Habitat: Common in diverse mesic to wet forest.

Elevation Range: 370–1,220(–1,360) m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


  • Seed capsules used in lei (Abbott 1992:125; Krauss 1993:77) and for scenting kapa due to the strong anise-scent of the plant (Abbott 1992:58; Krauss 1993:70).


  • Ke 'ala laua‘e, ‘ea ‘ea/ ‘O ka pua mokihana, ‘ea ‘ea line in "Na Hala o Naue" "Lei ana i ka mokihana" line in "Maika‘i Kaua‘i" (Elbert & Mahoe 1970).


  • The fruit of Melicope anisata is a squarish, yellow-green capsule about 1/2 inch long. The capsule has a strong anise fragrance. There are 4 compartments in the capsule and each will have 1 or 2 glossy black seeds about 1/8 inch long.
  • Lilleeng-Rosenberger used a 6 day cold water soak as a seed pretreatment. These seeds took 6 months to germinate.
  • In his germination studies, Obata found that untreated seeds of Melicope anisata had germination rates ranging from 30 to 75%. (Lilleeng-Rosenberger 1996; Obata 1967; Wagner 1990) [Data from Herring, E. C., & Criley, R. A. (2003). The Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Web Site: Developing a Webbased Information Resource. HortTechnology, 13(3), 545-548.]

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Taxon 38: 122 (1989)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1183 (K [as Pelea anisata]); Hartley & Stone 1989:122 (COMBNOV:Syn. P. anisata)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, s of ranger station, pipeline trail rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN dreyer, d. collector number: 210 Kauai BISH 8/8/1971
2 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, awaawapuhi trail, honopu Near beach in dry, rocky pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 3331 Lanai BISH 4/12/1960
3 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Ridge to Mt. Kahili; eastern side ridge from the jeep road to the microwave relay station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 2452 Kauai BISH 5/30/1972
4 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone unknown PreservedSpecimen Rock, J.F.C. Collector Number: 5288 BISH Specimen 1/1/1909
5 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1954 (66) Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
6 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea, Kokee, Awaawapuhi Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lane, I.E. 620 Kauai BISH 1947-00-00
7 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1954 (66) Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
8 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mts. above Ka Loko reservoir PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 562.K Kauai BISH 10/10/1916
9 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, northwest kauai. 200 yds. behind cottages at kokee lodge, near kokee tracking station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scheuer, p.j. collector number: 1474 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
10 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi valley, Honopu In mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. s.n. Kauai BISH 12/29/1959
11 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee. Kumuwela trail Open woods, crowded by blackberry vines. Among native trees and shrubs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. 416a Kauai BISH 7/8/1959
12 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, na pali-kona forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y.; hume, e.; inafuku, r.; lindsay, j.c.; masuhara, r.; mitchell, d.d.; wong, w. collector number: 10701 Kauai BISH 12/26/1930
13 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 779 Kauai BISH 2/18/1927
14 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone honopu. awaawa'puhi In forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1597 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
15 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea, between kokee and kilohana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skottsberg, c.j.f. collector number: 986 Oahu BISH 10/27/1922
16 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10701 Kauai BISH 12/26/1930
17 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea district. kuia natural area reserve. kaunuohua ridge west and below hwy. 550 Mixed forest dominated by Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha. Growing with Pelea spp. (Flynn 3369 & 3370), Claoxylon, Coprosma and Alyxia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. kawakami, g. collector number: 3371 Kauai BISH 5/10/1989
18 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN neal, m.c. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 8/8/1924
19 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park; near park headquarters off Kumuwela Road Scandent shrub growing in Metrosideros/Cheirodendron forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Imada, C.T. 92-52 Kauai BISH 3/30/1992
20 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District. Mohihi-Waialae Trail, N side of Trail. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris-Cheirodendron Wet Forest W/ Metrosideros, Dodonaea viscosa, Cyanea leptostegia, Vaccinium calycinum, Melicope anisata, Syzygium sandwicensis, Phytolacca, Dianella, Wikstroemia furcata, Kadua affinis, Pleomele, Cyrtandra longi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 2086 Kauai BISH 7/2/2009
21 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1994 Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
22 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Molokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 5 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
23 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 323.K Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
24 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea canyon state park; mile 11.3 of hwy 550 Waimea Canyon in remnant forest on steep, dry slope. Growing with Zanthoxylum kauaense, Z. dipetalum, Myrsine and Acacia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.; de lappe, r. collector number: 2213 Kauai BISH 5/21/1987
25 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei district, kokee state park. hwy 550 near mi 18.8 Metrosideros dominated forest with Sadleria, Perrottetia, Myrsine, and Scaevola. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.; perala, c. collector number: 2254 Kauai BISH 7/16/1987
26 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee. northwest Kauai. 200 yds. behind cottages at Kokee Lodge, near Kokee Tracking Station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scheuer, P.J. 1476 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
27 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone nw end of alakai swamp. na pali-kona forest reservation In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y.; hume, e.; inafuku, r.; lindsay, j.c.; masuhara, r.; mitchell, d.d.; wong, w. collector number: 10775 Kauai BISH 12/27/1930
28 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Kauai BISH 2/1/1956
29 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Nualolo-Kumuwela Trail In open woods, with native plants, crowded by blackberry vines. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. 417 Kauai BISH 7/1/1959
30 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1974 Kauai BISH 3/3/1909
31 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5297 (not 5296) Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
32 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone West rim of Kalalau Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 21556 Kauai BISH 7/13/1932
33 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Na Pali - Kona Forest Reserve, Alakai Swamp Trail mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Annable, C.R. Reinard, K. Collector Number: 3795 Kauai BISH 2/2/1998
34 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 184 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
35 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Pihea Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Corn, C. P-467 Kauai BISH 6/19/1987
36 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone nw of kalaheo, above alexander reservoir near kanaele swamp. 1/4 mile north of swamp In low wet rain forest with Metrosideros, Antidesma, Eugenia, etc. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN henrickson, j.s. collector number: 3997 Kauai BISH 7/31/1969
37 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi ridge On hunters trail following shallow drainage to N of main ridge trail. Diverse mesic forest. 10 m Metrosideros canopy with Dodonaea, Coprosma, Psychotria greenwelliae, Cheirodendron trigynum, Rubus argutus, Hedychium, Carex meyenii, and Erigeron ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN trauernicht, c. tangalin, n. collector number: 745 Kauai BISH 2/19/2009
38 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Kauai BISH 10/1/1956
39 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee. kumuwela forest. above the kumuwela lookout full sun, potted PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. scheuer, p.j.; werny, f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 4/12/1960
40 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone ridge to mt. kahili; eastern side ridge from the jeep road to the microwave relay station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. bishop, l.e. collector number: 2452 Kauai BISH 5/30/1972
41 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koloa District: Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa Mountains just NE of Wahiawa Bog, along northern fork of Wahiawa Stream, NW of Mt. Kahili Primary wet forest with Metrosideros polymorpha, Syzygium, Ilex, Antidesma, and Tetraplasandra. Occasional, clearings in low forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 6343 Kauai BISH 3/13/1989
42 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Along Kalalau Trail, Kokee In rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 8537 Kauai BISH 7/4/1926
43 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park, awaswapuhi trail about 5 miles in In Acacia koa-Metrosideros mesic forest with Elaeocarpus bifidus, Myrsine lessertiana, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Cyrtandra longiflora, Cyrtandra kauaiensis, Psychotria greenwelliae, Diplazium sandwichianum, Ilex anomala, Kadua affinis, Sadleria, Myrsine alyxfolia, Rubus argutus, Myrica faya, Hedychium gardnerianum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. et al. collector number: 21325 Kauai BISH 1/8/2009
44 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone vicinity of wahiawa swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 225.k Maui BISH 8/8/1909
45 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District. Waimea Canyon, Napali-Kona Forest Reserve, Koaia Canyon, above Lonomea Camp, down river from the Root Trail. Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest W/ Dracaena aurea, Artemisia, Boehmeria grandis, Planchonella sandwicensis, Hibiscus waimeae, Metrosideros, Dodonaea viscosa, Diospyros sandwicensis, Kalanchoe, Psidium guajava, Rubus rosifolius, Neph PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 2020 Kauai BISH 6/3/2009
46 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea, Na Pali-Kona forest reserve, south of Kumuwela road and Waininiua road junction, and west of Kumuwela road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Chock, A.K. 1115 Kauai BISH 9/2/1953
47 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee. kumuwela trail Open woods, crowded by blackberry vines. Among native trees and shrubs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. collector number: 416a Kauai BISH 7/8/1959
48 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, bank above Kauaikinana Stream. South-east of the small dam In wet forest on a N-S slope with other peleas. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3394 Kauai BISH 4/14/1960
49 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee Open forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 780 Kauai BISH 2/18/1927
50 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei-kalihikai ridge, power line trail In dense woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y.; hume, e.; inafuku, r.; lindsay, j.c.; masuhara, r.; mitchell, d.d.; wong, w. collector number: 10964 Kauai BISH 1/2/1931
51 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kalualea, koloa forested. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. ordonez, e. collector number: 13017 Kauai BISH 12/31/1939
52 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Holokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 6 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
53 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi valley, honopu. in forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1585 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
54 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone east fork, kilauea river Rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 658 Kauai BISH 2/11/1927
55 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee. northwest kauai. 200 yds. behind cottages at kokee lodge, near kokee tracking station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scheuer, p.j. collector number: 1476 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
56 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Heller, A.A. 2870 Kauai BISH 1895-00-00
57 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Metrosideros Cheirodendron montane wet forest, 80-95% closed, 8-12 m tall canopy, some emergent Metrosieros 20 m tall Psychotria mariniana, Santalum pyruliarium, Bobea brevipes, Kadua affinis, Coprosma waimeae, Melicope barbigera, Dodonaea viscosa, Dianella sandwicensis, Sphenomeris chinensis, Doodia kunthiana, Dropt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 15334.00 Kauai BISH
58 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone 5.4 miles from Kokee Lodge toward Alakai Swamp In eucalyptus forest. Trailing through shrubs and small trees, vine-like in habit. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crosby, M.R. 1450 Kauai BISH 6/18/1964
59 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone koloa district: lihue-koloa forest reserve, wahiawa mountains just ne of wahiawa bog, along northern fork of wahiawa stream, nw of mt. kahili Primary wet forest with Metrosideros polymorpha, Syzygium, Ilex, Antidesma, and Tetraplasandra. Occasional, clearings in low forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; wagner, w.l.; palmer, d.; frame, d. collector number: 6343 Kauai BISH 3/13/1989
60 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Forest road east of Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Alexander, A.M. 5206 Kauai BISH 3/8/1947
61 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District. Kumuwela, slopes west of Poomau stream Metrosideros Cheirodendron montane wet forest, 80-95% closed, 8-12 m tall canopy, some emergent Metrosieros 20 m tall Psychotria mariniana, Santalum pyruliarium, Bobea brevipes, Kadua affinis, Coprosma waimeae, Melicope barbigera, Dodonaea viscosa, Dianella sandwicensis, Sphenomeris chinensis, Doodia kunthiana, Dropt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 15334 Kauai BISH 1/10/2013
62 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone NW end of Alakai Swamp. Na Pali-Kona Forest Reservation In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10775 Kauai BISH 12/27/1930
63 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, bank above kauaikinana stream. south-east of the small dam In wet forest on a N-S slope with other peleas. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. plucknett, d. collector number: 3394 Kauai BISH 4/14/1960
64 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi valley, Honopu. In forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1585 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
65 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi ridge On hunters trail following shallow drainage to N of main ridge trail. Diverse mesic forest. 10 m Metrosideros canopy with Dodonaea, Coprosma, Psychotria greenwelliae, Cheirodendron trigynum, Rubus argutus, Hedychium, Carex meyenii, and Erigeron ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Trauernicht, C. Tangalin, N. Collector Number: 745 Kauai BISH 2/19/2009
66 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Pole Line Trail, Hanalei side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 2465 Kauai BISH 5/31/1972
67 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park volcanic soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1054 Oahu BISH 4/15/1968
68 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mohihi River, Waimea Open ohia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 19991 Kauai BISH 2/12/1939
69 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone makaha valley, c. two miles down makaha ridge road Woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 1175 Maui BISH 8/21/1985
70 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, northwest Kauai. 200 Yds. behind cottages at Kokee Lodge, near Kokee Tracking Station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scheuer, P.J. 1474 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
71 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kumuwela Ridge, Kokee State Park Open forest of Acacia koa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E.L. 31163 Kauai BISH 8/31/1976
72 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Wahiawa ? PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lydgate, J.M. s.n. Kauai BISH
73 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District. Kuia Natural Area Reserve. Kaunuohua Ridge west and below Hwy. 550 Mixed forest dominated by Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha. Growing with Pelea spp. (Flynn 3369 & 3370), Claoxylon, Coprosma and Alyxia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 3371 Kauai BISH 5/10/1989
74 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 184 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
75 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei-Kalihikai Ridge, Power Line Trail In dense woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10964 Kauai BISH 1/2/1931
76 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Milolii Trail from Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Topping, D.L. 12953 Kauai BISH 8/11/1924
77 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea district, kokee state park, nw side of kumuwela ridge along kumuwela ridge road at 1.5 miles south of mohihi road Distrubed mixed mesophytic forest of Metrosideros & Acacia koa invaded by Rubus & Passiflora. Occasional, forest understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; de lappe, r.; plews, j.h.r.; brozowski, s.; doyle, m. collector number: 5278 Kauai BISH 7/1/1987
78 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kawaikoi-kalalau ridge Rain forest undershrub. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan jr., e.h. collector number: 1475 Kauai BISH 8/2/1940
79 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone na pali - kona forest reserve, alakai swamp trail mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN annable, c.r. reinard, k. collector number: 3795 Kauai BISH 2/2/1998
80 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea DISTR. Waimea AHU. Tr 2(10-11) Alaka'u/Swamp, in little depression at stream crossing. Wet 'ohi'a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. PKH 9629 Kauai BISH 5/12/1981
81 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Nualolo Trail. Na Pali-Kona Forest Reservation In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10825 Kauai BISH 12/28/1930
82 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Wahiawa Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 285.K Kauai BISH 8/1/1909
83 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei District, Kokee State Park. Hwy 550 near mi 18.8 Metrosideros dominated forest with Sadleria, Perrottetia, Myrsine, and Scaevola. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 2254 Kauai BISH 7/16/1987
84 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1967 Kauai BISH 3/3/1909
85 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee Camp; hillside behind "Maile Cabin." PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3393 Kauai BISH 4/14/1960
86 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 557 Kauai BISH
87 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone northwest kauai, near kokee tracking station. behind cottages at kokee lodge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scheuer, p.j. collector number: 1480 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
88 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone near west rim of kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; cadenheads collector number: 27147 Oahu BISH 11/29/1960
89 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Holokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 214 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
90 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi valley, Honopu Shrub in forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1597 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
91 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi trail, honopu, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 26013 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
92 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5297 Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
93 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hawaii. Kaui: Waimea District. Na Pali- Kona Forest Reserve; Pihea Trail realignment, just SW of Pihea Peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 8508 CBG 1/24/2001
94 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai - Hanalei, Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. & W. T. Brigham G
95 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN H. Mann & W. T. Brigham 557 F
96 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern WL; Herbst DR Stern, WL; Herbst, DR 2974 L
97 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern WL; Herbst DR Stern, WL; Herbst, DR 2957 L
98 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone koke'e state park. pihea trail along kawaikoi stream. possible host plants of ptycta spp. (bark lice), in conjunction with emilie bess' ph.d thesis research, university of illinois. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mary merello|emilie bess|kevin johnson merello 3222 MO 4/3/2008
99 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koke'e State Park. Pihea Trail along Kawaikoi Stream. Possible host plants of Ptycta spp. (Bark lice), in conjunction with Emilie Bess' Ph.D thesis research, University of Illinois. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mary Merello|Emilie Bess|Kevin Johnson Merello 3222 Missouri Botanical Garden 4/3/2008
100 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along trail from the camp 10 road to kilohana across the northwest edge of the alakai swamp. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN thomas b. croat croat 44958 MO 12/5/1978
101 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone na pali-kona forest reserve, alaka'i swamp trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. r. annable 3795 MO 2/2/1998
102 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann jr. 557 NY
103 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone growing on sharp crest of ridge between alakai swamp and kokee tracking station, with elaphoglossum hirtum, camphusia, sadleria, perrottetia, etc PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gillett, g.w. collector number: 1546 MU 4/11/1964
104 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kumuwela, slopes west of Poomau stream, Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest, 80-95% closed, 8-12 m tall canopy, some emergent Metrosideros 20 m tall PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15334 Kauai PTBG 1/10/2013
105 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai island: kokeé state park. alakai trail 0.5 mile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. t. beck 1142 NY 6/22/1990
106 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaluapuhi trail, kokee state park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN william l. stern, dick eyde, steve perlman 3143 NY 4/6/1974
107 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN H. Mann Jr. 557 NY
108 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Alaka'i Swamp Trail Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3795 NY 2/2/1998
109 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hoary Head mountain range, summit of Mt. Haupu; Elev. 670-700 m. Low, windswept wet shrubland PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 7223 Kauai PTBG 7/20/1992
110 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koai'e Stream, up side-stream SE at 3000 ft, on north facing banks. Metrosideros mixed mesic transitional wet PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7663 Kauai PTBG 2/3/1999
111 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Highway 550 at mile 16.5 just south of Awaawapuhi trail; wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 9503 Kauai PTBG 2/9/2006
112 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Below Kamanu Ridge, headwaters of Waikoko, south of Wailua's north fork and above Wailua ditch. Metrosideros wet forest with wet cliff communities. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12785 Kauai PTBG 1/12/2008
113 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone KAUAI: Lumahai, very back of valley, southeast corner between 1800-2800 feet elev., Metrosideros lowland wet forest with Antidesma platyphyllum var. hillebrandii, Syzygium sandwicensis, Dubautia knudsenii, Cheirodendron platyphyllum, Pipturus kauaiensis, Hedyotis schlechtendahliana, Peperomia latifolia and P. tetraphylla, Sadleria pallida, Ciboteum glaucum, Vandenboshia cyrtotheca, Asplenium lobulatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7344 Kauai PTBG 5/27/1998
114 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve; Pihea Trail realignment, just SW of Pihea Peak. Elev. 1200 m (4000 ft.) Diverse wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 8508 Kauai PTBG 1/24/2001
115 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Upper Awaawapuhi valley. In side gully on N side of valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clay Trauernicht 610 Kauai PTBG 11/12/2008
116 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone North side of Kalalau Valley, east of Keanapuka Falls mesic forest dissected by cliffy terrain dominated by 50–80% cover of dwarf shrubs and grasses PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12489 Kauai PTBG 8/9/2007
117 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee state park, Awaawapuhi trail about .5 miles in. Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 21325 Kauai PTBG 1/8/2009
118 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, Kumuwela road. Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 4661 Kauai PTBG 8/6/1991
119 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waiahi Valley, Sub-gulch C Metrosideros - Dicranopteris Wet Windward Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 4997 Kauai PTBG 11/15/2018
120 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Haupu summit region; northern cliffs and slopes. 90% open shrubland/fernland with a 10% sparse tree cover PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11430 Kauai PTBG 8/5/2005
121 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Road to Mohihi, Kokee State Park, at junction of road to Kumuwela. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN W. L. Stern 2974 Kauai PTBG 4/3/1971
122 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park. Alakai Trail 0.5 mile. Wet forest dominated by Metrosideros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hans T. Beck 1142 Kauai PTBG 6/22/1990
123 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Makaha Valley. Elev. 2700-2800 ft. Metrosideros-Acacia Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4705 Kauai PTBG 11/1/1995
124 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mt. Haupu, near Queen Victoria's profile, west of head of Victoria. Metrosideros lowland mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 12615 Kauai PTBG 2/27/1992
125 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, western margin Na Pali Kona Forest Reserve along road to Pihea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN W. L. Stern 2957 Kauai PTBG 4/3/1971
126 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Along the Power Line Trail, east of summit camp (near Mt. Kualapa). Elev. 500-515 m. rain forest with Metrosideros spp. Dominant PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6383 Kauai PTBG 10/4/1989
127 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, due west of Kokee Lodge and Museum, summit of hill; mixed mesophytic forest with Acacia koa and Metrosideros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6372 Kauai PTBG 6/19/1988
128 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 1054 Kauai PTBG 4/16/1968
129 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Honopu Metrosideros polymorpha mesic to wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Seana Walsh SKW749 Kauai PTBG 4/30/2020
130 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Ridge to Mt. Kahili; eastern side ridge from the jeep road to the microwave relay station. Ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2452 Kauai PTBG 5/30/1972
131 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Headwaters of the N. fork of Wailua River, area called "The Blue Hole" or "The Crater", just E of Mts. Waialeale & Kawaikini; deep valley surrounded by steep cliffs ca. 1000 m high laced w/ waterfalls; Elev. 680-700 m. low primary vegetation of small, stunted trees 1-2 m tall, numerous pteridophytes, & Gunnera over saturated, rocky ground. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5393 Kauai PTBG 7/23/1987
132 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa Mountains just NE of Wahiawa Bog, along northern fork of Wahiawa Stream, NW of Mt. Kahihi; Elev. 630-710 m. primary wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6343 Kauai PTBG 3/13/1989
133 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Below "The Blue Hole"; headwaters of N fork of Wailua River, just N of Mt. Kawaikini, & SE of Mt. Waialeale. Deep, narrow valley surrounded by vertical cliffs laced w/ waterfalls; Low undisturbed wet forest of small, stunted trees & shrubs (Metrosideros, Bobea, Perrottetia, etc.) w/ ground cover of pteridophytes, Gunnera, Cyrtandra, & Cyanea, growing over saturated, rocky ground. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1840 Kauai PTBG 5/1/1992
134 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mt. Haupu, slopes above Kipu ranch, to west of Queen Victorias profile along cliffs, north facing slope. GPS 21 deg. 55.587'N & 159 deg. 24.093'W, just below Haupu summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17444 Kauai PTBG 3/8/2001
135 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kokee State Park. Kalalau Valley near mile 18.6. Steep, forested slope in SE corner of valley. Metrosideros dominated forest. Elev. 3800-4000 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 2248 Kauai PTBG 7/16/1987
136 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee. Poomau Canyon Trail. Near head of trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 393 Kauai PTBG 3/24/1983
137 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve along Awaawapuhi Trail. Mesic, summer dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Regalado 649 Kauai PTBG 5/12/1993
138 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kalalau valley rim, " Peach Tree Ridge" Metrosideros mesic cliff and forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 727 Kauai PTBG 4/15/1991
139 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Nualolo Trail. Disturbed mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Marc Appelhans MA662 Kauai PTBG 10/4/2016
140 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Nuololo, central branch. Metrosideros-Acacia mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15033 Kauai PTBG 6/19/2012
141 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mahanaloa Valley, outside (SE) Weller #2 fence in plot #7 Diverse Mesic Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1954 Kauai PTBG 3/6/2009
142 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Pole Line Trail, Hanalei side. Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2465 Kauai PTBG 5/31/1972
143 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea Canyon, Napali-Kona Forest Reserve, Koaia Canyon, above Lonomea Camp, down river from the Root Trail. Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 2020 Kauai PTBG 6/3/2009
144 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Along trail from the camp 10 road to Kilohana across the NE edge of the Alakai Swamp. Elev. 4000-4200 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Thomas B. Croat 44958 Kauai PTBG 12/5/1978
145 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Nualolo Trail. Disturbed mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Marc Appelhans MA668 Kauai PTBG 10/4/2016
146 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koaie, headwater gulches and forested slopes, north of Mohihi-Waialae trail Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with Dicranopteris-Diplopterygium-Sticherus matting ferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15723 Kauai PTBG 11/13/2013
147 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve; Wahiawa Stream & drainage; NW of main Wahiawa Stream heading up ridge (above helicopter landing site #1) connecting Hulua & Kapalaoa Peaks. Low, windswept shrubby vegetation PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6702 Kauai PTBG 2/7/1991
148 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, Pihea Trail along Kawaikoi Stream. Possible host of Ptycta spp. (Bark lice), in conjunction with Emilie Bess' Ph.D thesis research, University of Illinois. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mary Merello 3222 Kauai PTBG 4/3/2008
149 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, NW side of Kumuwela Ridge along Kumuwela Ridge Road at 1.5 miles S of Mohihi Road; Disturbed mixed mesophytic forest of Metrosideros & Acacia koa invaded by Rubus and Passiflora. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5278 Kauai PTBG 7/1/1987
150 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mohihi-Waialae Trail, N side of Trail. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris-Cheirodendron Wet Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 2086 Kauai PTBG 7/2/2009
151 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kokee State Park. Hwy 550 near mile 18.8. Metrosideros dominated forest with Sadleria Perrottetia, Myrsine, and Scaevola. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 2254 Kauai PTBG 7/16/1987
152 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi ridge. On hunters trail following shallow drainage to N of main ridge trail. Diverse mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clay Trauernicht 745 Kauai PTBG 2/19/2009
153 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea Canyon State Park; mile 11.3 on Hwy 550. Waimea Canyon. Elev. 3000-3500 ft. Remnant forest on steep, dry slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 2213 Kauai PTBG 5/21/1987
154 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park. Proposed DOFAW nursery site, mile 17, Hwy 550. Surrounding site first cleared in early 1940s. Metrosideros dominated wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5661 Kauai PTBG 1/11/1995
155 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Oahu Is., pupukea trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Ching 23 UBC 11/11/1959
156 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaluapuhi Trail, Kokee State Park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN William L. Stern; Dick Eyde, Steve Perlman 3143 RSA 4/6/1974
157 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hawaiian Islands; Kauai. West rim of Kalalau Valley. Dark woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN O. Degener; I. Degener, W. Cadenhead 27154 SFV 11/29/1960
158 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann, w. t. brigham 557 UCS
159 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H.; Brigham, W. T. 557 Kauai US 2/3/1905
160 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kalalau valley rim, "Peach Tree Ridge" PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P.; Query, M. 727 Kauai US 4/15/1991
161 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1283 Kauai US
162 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awa'awapuhi trail, Honopu, Kokee area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C. 3331 Kauai US 4/11/1960
163 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, Alakai Trail, 0.5 mile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Beck, H. T. 1142 Kauai US 6/22/1990
164 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District, Koke`e State Park, along Makaha Ridge Road, 0.8 mi W of Hwy 550. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W. L.; Wood, K. R. 6892 Kauai US 2/25/2000
165 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Power Line Trail between Hanoki & Lihue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 149.K Kauai US 1909-00-00
166 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. f. scharpf s.n. US 8/5/1975
167 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone vicinity for ranger station at kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1283 Kauai US
168 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1245 Kauai US
169 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 15345 Kauai US 10/20/1916
170 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along milolii trail near kokee for ranger's station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. yuncker 3459 Kauai US 1/24/1933
171 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone between alakoi swamp and kokee tracking station. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. gillett 1546 Oahu US 4/11/1964
172 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District, Koke`e State Park, along Makaha Ridge Road, 0.8 mi W of Hwy 550. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN W. L. Wagner & K. R. Wood 6892 Kauai US 2/25/2000
173 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea district, na pali-kona forest reserve; pihea trail realignment, just sw of pihea peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. h. lorence, t. w. flynn, c. koga, g. kawakami, s. soto & k. rosenberger 8508 Kauai US 1/24/2001
174 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 557 Kauai US 1861-08-08
175 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone rim of kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & i. degener 27311 Kauai US
176 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 15381 Kauai US 10/20/2016
177 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone vicinity for ranger station at kokee, pipe line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1314 Kauai US
178 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 1054 Kauai US 4/15/1968
179 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 1054 Kauai US 4/15/1968
180 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kalualea, koloa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & e. ordonez 13017 Kauai US 12/31/1939
181 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koloa Dist., Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa Mts just NE of Wahiawa Bog, along N fork of Wahiawa Stream, NW of Mt Kahili PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D. H.; Flynn, T. W.; Wagner, W. L.; Palmer, D.; Frame, D. 6343 Kauai US 3/13/1989
182 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kalualea, Koloa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Ordonez, E. 13017 Kauai US 12/31/1939
183 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Along Milolii trail near Kokee For ranger's station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yuncker, T. G. 3459 Kauai US 1/24/1933
184 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone power line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. macdaniels 708 Kauai US 2/14/1927
185 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 1054 Kauai US 4/15/1968
186 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1314 Kauai US
187 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Along trail from the camp 10 rd to Kilohana across the NE edge of the Alakai swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Croat, T. B. 44958 Kauai US 12/5/1978
188 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, above bank of kauaikinana stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone 3394 Maui US 4/14/1960
189 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awa'awapuhi trail, honopu, kokee area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone 3331 Kauai US 4/11/1960
190 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Powerline Road. Very wet areas near road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Darwin, S. P. 1141 Kauai US 7/29/1975
191 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee. awa'awapuhiu trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone 3331 Kauai US 4/12/1960
192 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Between Alakoi Swamp and Kokee Tracking Station. Sharp crest of ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gillett, G. W. 1546 Kauai US 4/11/1964
193 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea Dist, Kuia Natural Area Res, Kaunuohua Ridge W & below Hwy 550 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. W.; Kawakami, G. 3371 Kauai US 5/10/1989
194 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea district, koke`e state park, along makaha ridge road, 0.8 mi w of hwy 550. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner & k. r. wood 6892 Kauai US 2/25/2000
195 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, above bank of Kauaikinana stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C. 3394 Kauai US 4/14/1960
196 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, Alakai Trail, 0.5 mile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN H. T. Beck 1142 Kauai US 6/22/1990
197 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park, alakai trail, 0.5 mile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. t. beck 1142 Kauai US 6/22/1990
198 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea dist, kuia natural area res, kaunuohua ridge w & below hwy 550 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. w. flynn & g. kawakami 3371 Kauai US 5/10/1989
199 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone NW Kauai, Kumuwela Ridge, Kokee State Park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E. L. 31163 Kauai US 8/31/1976
200 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone wai`alalae trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kauai US
201 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei Dist, Kokee State Park. Kalalau Valley near mi 18.6, in SE corner of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. W.; Lorence, D. H.; Perala, C. 2248 Kauai US 7/16/1987
202 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone koke's state park. pihea trail along kawaikoi stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mary merello, emile bess, & kevin johnson 3222 Maui US 4/3/2008
203 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve; Pihea trail realignment, just SW of Pihea Peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN D. H. Lorence, T. W. Flynn, C. Koga, G. Kawakami, S. Soto & K. Rosenberger 8508 Kauai US 1/24/2001
204 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 15381 Kauai US 10/20/1916
205 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Vicinity For ranger station at Kokee, Pipe line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W. L.; Carlquist, S. 1314 Kauai US 8/1/1961
206 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 15345 Kauai US 10/20/2016
207 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone West rim of Kalalau Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, O.; Cadenheads 27154 Kauai US 11/29/1960
208 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone power line trail between hanoki & lihue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 149.k Kauai US 8/6/1909
209 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei dist, kokee state park. kalalau valley near mi 18.6, in se corner of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. w. flynn, d. h. lorence & c. perala 2248 Kauai US 7/16/1987
210 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone koloa dist., lihue-koloa forest reserve, wahiawa mts just ne of wahiawa bog, along n fork of wahiawa stream, nw of mt kahili PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. h. lorence, t. w. flynn, w. l. wagner, d. palmer & d. frame 6343 Kauai US 3/13/1989
211 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone nw of kalaheo, above alexander reservoir near kanaele swamp, .25 mi n of swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. s. henrickson 3997 Kauai US 7/31/1969
212 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 557 Oahu US
213 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone sandwich islands PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. juske 274 Oahu US 1890-04-16
214 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve; Pihea trail realignment, just SW of Pihea Peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D. H.; Flynn, T. W.; Koga, C.; Kawakami, G.; Soto, S.; Rosenberger, K. 8508 Kauai US 1/24/2001
215 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Power line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L. H. 708 Kauai US 2/14/2027
216 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone nw kauai, kumuwela ridge, kokee state park. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. l. little jr. 31163 Kauai US 8/31/1976
217 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 15427 Kauai US 10/21/2016
218 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 15427 Kauai US 10/21/1916
219 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 1054 Oahu US 4/15/1968
220 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee. Awa'awapuhiu trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C. 3331 Kauai US 4/12/1960
221 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone west rim of kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener, o. degener & cadenheads 27154 Kauai US 11/29/1960
222 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Vicinity For ranger station at Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W. L.; Carlquist, S. 1283 Kauai US 8/1/1961
223 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone NW of Kalaheo, above Alexander Reservoir near Kanaele Swamp, .25 mi N of swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Henrickson, J. S. 3997 Kauai US 7/31/1969
224 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea, kokee, awa'awapuhi trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN i. lane 620 Kauai US
225 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Rim of Kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, I. 27311 Kauai US 3/1/1961
226 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along trail from the camp 10 rd to kilohana across the ne edge of the alakai swamp On cut-bank. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. b. croat 44958 WTU 12/5/1978
227 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone pihea trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN landgraf, l. collector number: s.n. Maui US 2/15/1986
228 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kuia Natural Area Reserve. Kaunuohua Ridge west and below Hwy 550. Mixed forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3371 Kauai PTBG 5/10/1989
229 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone holokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 214 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
230 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone west rim of kalalau valley Dark woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; cadenheads collector number: 27154 Kauai BISH 11/29/1960
231 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone northwest kauai, near kokee tracking station. behind cottages at kokee lodge Growing with Pterotropia. Tetraplasandra, Pelea clusiifolia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scheuer, p.j. collector number: 1481 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
232 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Sandwich Islands PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Juske, B. H. 274 Oahu US 1890-00-00
233 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Mt. Haupu summit, slopes of north facing side near top. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis lowland mesic shrubland PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 12918 Kauai PTBG 7/27/1992
234 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone near beginning of awaawapuhi trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 2119 Kauai BISH 9/4/1971
235 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi, north facing slopes. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16369 Kauai PTBG 3/20/2015
236 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Rim of Kalalau valley In open rainforest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27311 Kauai BISH 3/1/1961
237 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone north side of north fork of kamooloa stream in gulch leading up the ridge, inland from waterfall forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN christensen, c. collector number: 73 Kauai BISH 10/23/1976
238 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Powerline trail. North end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 149.K Kauai BISH 8/6/1909
239 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scharpf, R.F. s.n. US 8/5/1975
240 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone 5.4 miles from Kokee Lodge toward Alakai Swamp In eucalyptus forest. Trailing through shrubs and small trees, vine-like in habit. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crosby, M.R. Anderson, W.R. Collector Number: 1450 Kauai BISH 6/18/1964
241 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Power line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 708 Kauai BISH 2/14/1927
242 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, S of ranger station, pipeline trail rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dreyer, D. 210 Kauai BISH 8/8/1971
243 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, Kaluapuhi Trail, near Kalalau lookout. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Alvin K. Chock 381 Kauai PTBG 2/4/1952
244 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 2/1/1956
245 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Haupu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1626 Kauai BISH 12/31/1956
246 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Powerline Road. Elev. 600-700 m. In very wet area near road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steven P. Darwin 1141 Kauai PTBG 7/29/1975
247 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Northwest Kauai, near Kokee Tracking Station. Behind cottages at Kokee Lodge Growing with Pterotropia. Tetraplasandra, Pelea clusiifolia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scheuer, P.J. 1481 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
248 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Wainiha-Manoa drainage. Edge of pali Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Christensen, C. 320 Kauai BISH 3/4/1978
249 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Koaie Canyon; .75 up stream. Diverse Mesic Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 743 Kauai PTBG 4/16/1991
250 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Makaha Valley, c. two miles down Makaha Ridge Road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 1175 Kauai BISH 8/21/1985
251 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone wainiha-manoa drainage. edge of pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN christensen, c. collector number: 320 Maui BISH 3/4/1978
252 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone manono nui ridge, upper lumaha`i valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kauai US
253 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Lanai BISH 10/1/1956
254 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, near beginning of Awaawapuhi Trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2119 Kauai PTBG 9/4/1971
255 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone west rim of kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 21556 Oahu BISH 7/13/1932
256 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone powerline road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. darwin 1141 Oahu BISH 7/29/1975
257 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone haupu Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. With Diospyros sandwicensis, Nestegis sandwicensis, Pisonia, Cyrtandra grayi, Corprosma foliosa, Cheirodendron trigynum, Dodonaea viscosa, Polyscias oahuensis, Myrsine lanaiensis, Sophora chrysophylla PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 878 Maui BISH 2/26/1927
258 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5297 Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
259 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5288 BISH 3/23/1905
260 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone mohihi river, waimea In thicket on steep slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 19991 Maui BISH 2/12/1939
261 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea, between Kokee and Kilohana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 983 Kauai BISH 10/29/1922
262 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee Open forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 780 Kauai BISH 2/18/1927
263 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone rim of kalalau valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i. collector number: 27311 Hawaii BISH 3/1/1961
264 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Honopu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lane, I.E. 620 Kauai BISH 1947-00-00
265 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Wailua Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lydgate, J.M. s.n. Kauai BISH
266 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Haupu rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 878 Kauai BISH 2/26/1927
267 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone haupu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1626 Kauai BISH 12/31/1956
268 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone honopu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lane, i.e. collector number: 620 Kauai BISH
269 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1992 Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
270 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN knudsen collector number: 64 [12711] Kauai BISH
271 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN knudsen collector number: 200 Kauai BISH
272 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Awaawapuhi Trail, Honopu Tree in mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3331 Kauai BISH 4/12/1960
273 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaunuohua Ridge between Kilohana Lookout at Puu o Kila and Pihea Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W.L. 1245 Kauai BISH 8/1/1961
274 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park Assoc. with Metrosideros, Pouteria, Elaeocarpus, and Rubiaceae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 1054 Kauai BISH 4/15/1968
275 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone NW of Kalaheo, above Alexander Reservoir near Kanaele Swamp. 1/4 mile north of swamp In low wet rain forest with Metrosideros, Antidesma, Eugenia, etc. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Henrickson, J.S. 3997 Kauai BISH 7/31/1969
276 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kumuwela ridge, waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. fosberg, f.r. collector number: 13818 Oahu BISH 12/28/1933
277 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, S of ranger station, pipeline trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dreyer, D. 209 Kauai BISH 8/8/1971
278 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea, kokee, awaawapuhi trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lane, i.e. collector number: 620 Oahu BISH 8/8/1947
279 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu, Kokee In rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 8530 Kauai BISH 6/27/1926
280 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi valley, Honopu In forest, mesic conditions, canopy c.55 ft. tall. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1584 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
281 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone 5.4 miles from kokee lodge toward alakai swamp In eucalyptus forest. Trailing through shrubs and small trees, vine-like in habit. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN crosby, m.r. anderson, w.r. collector number: 1450 Kauai BISH 6/18/1964
282 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 182 Kauai BISH 2/1/1910
283 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone East fork, Kilauea River Rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 658 Kauai BISH 2/11/1927
284 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN heller, a.a. collector number: 2870 Kauai BISH 1895-09-10
285 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1992 Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
286 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea District, Kokee State Park, NW side of Kumuwela Ridge along Kumuwela Ridge Road at 1.5 miles south of Mohihi Road Distrubed mixed mesophytic forest of Metrosideros & Acacia koa invaded by Rubus & Passiflora. Occasional, forest understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 5278 Kauai BISH 7/1/1987
287 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kalalau valley rim, "peach tree ridge" Growing in wet area at back of property. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & m. query 727 Hawaii BISH 4/15/1991
288 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 2329 (66) Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
289 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone North side of north fork of Kamooloa Stream in gulch leading up the ridge, inland from waterfall Rain forest. Near Strengylodon. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Christensen, C. 73 Kauai BISH 10/23/1976
290 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee state park, Awaswapuhi trail about 5 miles in In Acacia koa-Metrosideros mesic forest with Elaeocarpus bifidus, Myrsine lessertiana, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Cyrtandra longiflora, Cyrtandra kauaiensis, Psychotria greenwelliae, Diplazium sandwichianum, Ilex anomala, Kadua affinis, Sadleria, Myrsine alyxfolia, Rubus argutus, Myrica faya, Hedychium gardnerianum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 21325 Kauai BISH 1/8/2009
291 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee, Waimea Wet woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 13853 Kauai BISH 12/28/1933
292 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Upper Awaawapuhi valley. In side gully on N side of valley Growing in a stnd of large Dodonaea viscosa indivuduals forming an open canopy with Pleomele aurea. Erigeron karvinskianus and Kalanchoe pinnata dominating the understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Trauernicht, C. Tangalin, N. Collector Number: 610 Kauai BISH 11/12/2008
293 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei District, Kokee State Park. Kalalau Valley near mi 18.6. Steep, forested slope in SE corner of valley Metrosideros dominated forest. On steep slope, N. exposure; with Coprosma, Nestegis, Myrsine, Cheirodendron and understory of Pneumatopteris, Diplazium and Sadleria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 2248 Kauai BISH 7/16/1987
294 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Near beginning of Awaawapuhi Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 2119 Kauai BISH 9/4/1971
295 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5297 (not 5296) Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
296 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Nualolo trail, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve Woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10823 Kauai BISH 12/28/1930
297 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Knudsen 200 Kauai BISH
298 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Growing on sharp crest of ridge between Alakai Swamp and Kokee Tracking Station, with Elaphoglossum hirtum, Camphusia, Sadleria, Perrottetia, etc PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gillett, G.W. 1546 Kauai BISH 4/11/1964
299 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 322.k Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
300 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1994 Midway Atoll BISH 2/14/1909
301 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone West rim of Kalalau Valley Dark woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27154 Kauai BISH 11/29/1960
302 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 182 Kauai BISH 2/1/1910
303 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, s of ranger station, pipeline trail Beach. Rare, one bush seen at edge of Prosopis forest on dry coral limestone. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN dreyer, d. collector number: 209 Oahu BISH 8/8/1971
304 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone power line trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 708 Kauai BISH 2/14/1927
305 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 557 Kauai BISH 1864-01-01
306 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone upper awaawapuhi valley. in side gully on n side of valley Growing in a stnd of large Dodonaea viscosa indivuduals forming an open canopy with Pleomele aurea. Erigeron karvinskianus and Kalanchoe pinnata dominating the understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN trauernicht, c. tangalin, n. collector number: 610 Kauai BISH 11/12/2008
307 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Hanalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. 557 Kauai BISH 2/6/1905
308 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone holokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 6 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
309 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Wahiawa Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 225.K Kauai BISH 8/1/1909
310 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi valley, honopu In mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 12/29/1959
311 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Northwest Kauai, near Kokee Tracking Station. Behind cottages at Kokee Lodge Growing with Pterotropia, Tetraplasandra, Pelea barbigera. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scheuer, P.J. 1480 Kauai BISH 2/10/1964
312 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone pole line trail, hanalei side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. bishop, l.e. collector number: 2465 Kauai BISH 5/31/1972
313 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea distr. waimea ahu. tr 2(10-11) Alaka'u/Swamp, in little depression at stream crossing. Wet 'ohi'a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. crivellone, c.f. collector number: pkh 9629 Kauai BISH 5/12/1981
314 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea Canyon State Park; mile 11.3 of Hwy 550 Waimea Canyon in remnant forest on steep, dry slope. Growing with Zanthoxylum kauaense, Z. dipetalum, Myrsine and Acacia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 2213 Kauai BISH 5/21/1987
315 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Haupu, near summit Exposed slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 888 Kauai BISH 2/26/1927
316 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone nualolo trail. na pali-kona forest reservation In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y.; hume, e.; inafuku, r.; lindsay, j.c.; masuhara, r.; mitchell, d.d.; wong, w. collector number: 10825 Kauai BISH 12/28/1930
317 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Honopu. Awaawa'puhi In forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1597 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
318 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi ridge On hunters trail following shallow drainage to N of main ridge trail. Diverse mesic forest. 10 m Metrosideros canopy with Dodonaea, Coprosma, Psychotria greenwelliae, Cheirodendron trigynum, Rubus argutus, Hedychium, Carex meyenii, and Erigeron ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Trauernicht, C. 745 Kauai BISH 2/19/2009
319 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park; near park headquarters off kumuwela road Scandent shrub growing in Metrosideros/Cheirodendron forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN imada, c.t. et al. collector number: 92-52 Kauai BISH 3/30/1992
320 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee, waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. fosberg, f.r. collector number: 13853 Maui BISH 12/28/1933
321 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi valley, honopu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1584 Oahu BISH 12/29/1956
322 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone waimea drainage basin, west side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 850.k Kauai BISH 7/3/1917
323 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone awaawapuhi valley, honopu Shrub in forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1597 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
324 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone haupu gulch bottom PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 878 Molokai BISH 2/26/1927
325 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaunuohua ridge between kilohana lookout at puu o kila and pihea Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stern, w.l. carlquist, s. collector number: 1245 Kauai BISH 8/8/1961
326 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone headwaters of the n. fork of wailua river, area called "the blue hole" or "the crater", just e. of mts. waialeale and kawaikini Deep valley surrounded by steep cliffs c. 1,000 m. high laced with waterfalls; low primary vegetation of small, stunted trees 1-2 m. tall, numberous pteridophytes, and Gunnera over saturated, rocky ground. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. plews, j.h.r.; wood, k.r; doyle, m. collector number: 5393 Kauai BISH 7/23/1987
327 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Near west rim of Kalalau Valley Dark forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27146 Kauai BISH 11/29/1960
328 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Upper Awaawapuhi valley. In side gully on N side of valley Growing in a stnd of large Dodonaea viscosa indivuduals forming an open canopy with Pleomele aurea. Erigeron karvinskianus and Kalanchoe pinnata dominating the understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Trauernicht, C. 610 Kauai BISH 11/12/2008
329 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 322.K Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
330 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi Trail, Honopu, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 26013 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
331 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee State Park, on slope of Awaawapuhi Gulch Growing in shaded site. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 5015 Kauai BISH 8/28/1983
332 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone near west rim of kalalau valley Dark forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; cadenheads collector number: 27146 Kauai BISH 11/29/1960
333 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone hanalei district, kokee state park. kalalau valley near mi 18.6. steep, forested slope in se corner of valley Metrosideros dominated forest. On steep slope, N. exposure; with Coprosma, Nestegis, Myrsine, Cheirodendron and understory of Pneumatopteris, Diplazium and Sadleria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.; perala, c. collector number: 2248 Kauai BISH 7/16/1987
334 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone molokele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 5 Kauai BISH 3/1/1910
335 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Near west rim of Kalalau Valley Dark forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27147 Kauai BISH 11/29/1960
336 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu, kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 8530 Lanai BISH 6/27/1926
337 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kumuwela ridge, kokee state park Open forest of Acacia koa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN little jr., e.l. collector number: 31163 Kauai BISH 8/31/1976
338 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park, on slope of awaawapuhi gulch Rocky, mesic Metrosideros-dominated narrow ravine. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. mill, s.w.; d.wier; g.wier collector number: 5015 Maui BISH 8/28/1983
339 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Na Pali - Kona Forest Reserve, Alakai Swamp Trail mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Annable, C.R. 3795 Kauai BISH 2/2/1998
340 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along Nualolo Trail in Kokee State Park PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dreyer, D. 205 Kauai BISH 8/6/1971
341 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai Perennial herbs consisting of underground stems. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH
342 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Haupu Rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 878 Kauai BISH 2/26/1927
343 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5288 BISH
344 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone haupu, near summit Exposed slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 888 Kauai BISH 2/26/1927
345 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kokee. Kumuwela Forest. Above the Kumuwela lookout PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. s.n. Kauai BISH 4/12/1960
346 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea Drainage Basin, West side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 850.K Kauai BISH 7/3/1917
347 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kalualea, Koloa forested. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 13017 Kauai BISH 12/31/1939
348 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Neal, M.C. s.n. Kauai BISH 4/7/1905
349 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 2329 (66) Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
350 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1974 Kauai BISH 3/3/1909
351 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kauai Very common in forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3331 Kauai BISH 4/12/1960
352 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Headwaters of the N. fork of Wailua River, area called "The Blue Hole" or "The Crater", just E. of Mts. Waialeale and Kawaikini Deep valley surrounded by steep cliffs c. 1,000 m. high laced with waterfalls; low primary vegetation of small, stunted trees 1-2 m. tall, numberous pteridophytes, and Gunnera over saturated, rocky ground. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 5393 Kauai BISH 7/23/1987
353 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone wahiawa mts ohia woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 225.k Hawaii BISH 8/8/1909
354 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kumuwela Ridge, Waimea Moist woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 13818 Kauai BISH 12/28/1933
355 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone wahiawa ? Forest clearing PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH
356 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along kalalau trail, kokee In rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 8537 Kauai BISH 7/4/1926
357 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kawaikoi-Kalalau ridge Rain forest undershrub. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan Jr., E.H. 1475 Kauai BISH 8/2/1940
358 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone along nualolo trail in kokee state park Cultivated ornamental tree planted on the lawn. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN dreyer, d. collector number: 205 Oahu BISH 8/6/1971
359 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kauai Very common in forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 3331 Kauai BISH 4/12/1960
360 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1967 Kauai BISH 3/3/1909
361 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 779 Kauai BISH 2/18/1927
362 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Waimea, between Kokee and Kilohana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 986 Kauai BISH 10/27/1922
363 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone milolii trail from kokee Metrosideros forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN topping, d.l. collector number: 12953 Oahu BISH 8/11/1924
364 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone kokee state park Assoc. with Metrosideros, Pouteria, Elaeocarpus, and Rubiaceae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1054 Kauai BISH 4/15/1968
365 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Vicinity of Wahiawa Swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 225.K Kauai BISH 8/1/1909
366 Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone Awaawapuhi Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Corn, C. A-257 Kauai BISH 6/16/1987